SnapSAN VSS User Guide
10400401-001 08/2012
©2012 Overland Storage, Inc.
Backup Server Connected to Data Replication Volume (RV)
When performing backup operations in which the data replication function is used, the
initial setup below is necessary. Execute identical operations for target volumes used in
backup operations.
Start a command prompt on the backup server.
Confirm that volumes used in backup operations have been registered in the volume
list created in “Data Replication Installation”.
If they are not registered, refer to the “Data Replication User’s Manual
(Installation and Operation Guide for Windows)” and re-create the volume list.
> iSMvollist -a
If the RV is replicate state, execute Separate to separate the Master Volume (MV)
and RV and make the RV available. Here, execute using the settings below. If the
RV is separated, the command below need not be executed.
Access restriction for RV after separated: rw (Read/Write) (Default value)
Specify wait for separation to complete
> iSMrc_separate -mv mv001 -mvflg ld – rv rv001 – rvflg ld -wait
In order to change the RV access restriction to Not Available (NA), stop the volume
beforehand. Here, the setting is made for logical disk name rv001.
> iSMvss -devmode disable -vol rv001 -volflg ld
Change the RV data state to invalid and the RV access restriction to Not Available
(NA). Here, the setting is made for logical disk name rv001.
> iSMrc_rvmode -rv rv001 -rvflg ld -rvdata invalid -rvacc na -force
The above is the end of environment setup for operation using the data replication function.
Backup and Restore Procedures
For backup and restore operations, refer to the manuals of the selected requestor.