6 Gebrauch
Beachten Sie zum Abnehmen/Befestigen der Sitzschale/der Sitzeinheit auch die Gebrauchsanweisung und Si
cherheitshinweise der Hersteller dieser Produkte.
Bei Fragen oder Problemen wenden Sie sich an das Fachpersonal, das dieses Produkt angepasst hat oder an
den Service des Herstellers (Adressen siehe hintere Umschlaginnenseite oder Rückseite).
1 Foreword
This document applies to the custom fabrications SBK 21187.002, SBK 21187.006.
2 Product description
The platform is mounted on the seat frame instead of a seat plate.
A seating shell/seating shell system can be positioned and attached on the platform.
3 Intended use
3.1 Area of application
The maximum load for the product including the seating shell is
125 kg [275 lbs]
. We assume no liability if the
maximum permitted load is exceeded.
4 Safety
Failure to observe the instructions for use for the main product
Risk of accident and serious injury, damage due to failure to observe important information
The additional documentation only applies in connection with the instructions for use for the main product. A
knowledge of all the documents is a basic prerequisite for proper use.
For this reason, all information regarding use has to be carefully read before using the product and all safety
notices must be observed.
Improper assembly of the seating shell
Change in the wheelchair’s driving characteristics due to improper assembly of the seating shell
Observe the applicable technical and legal regulations for assembly of the seating shell.
Ensure that the wheelchair has good tipping resistance during assembly of the seating shell.
Carry out test drives to verify that the wheelchair can be safely operated by the user after installing the seating
shell, especially on slopes/inclines and during braking/accelerating.
Do not hand over the wheelchair to the user if this is not the case.
5 Preparing the product for use
Independent modification of settings
Serious injuries to the user due to improper changes to the product
Do not modify the settings established by the qualified personnel. Only the settings described in the section
“Use” in these instructions for use may be adjusted independently.
In case of problems with the settings, please contact the qualified personnel who adjusted your product.
5.1 Installation on the standard seat
1) Position the platform on the seat frame.
2) Attach the platform with four M6x16 Allen head screws (see fig. 1, item 1). Tighten the screws to
8.8 Nm
SBK 21187.002, *.006
Summary of Contents for SBK 21187 006 Series
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