Incomplete test
If the test was stopped, an error message and detailed results are shown.
The result screen appears differently if the test failed or was aborted during cal-
The DPOAE test
DPOAEs are responses generated by the inner ear to a two-tone stimulation. For each frequency that is tested, a pair of
tones is presented. The frequency of one of the tones presented is called F1 and the level of that tone is called L1. The
other tone is called F2 and its level is L2.
DPOAE test protocol
The test is conducted by measuring the frequencies in decreasing order; the results are displayed with the frequencies
increasing from left to right. The frequencies tested depend on the setup; the standard frequencies are:
5 kHz
4 kHz
3 kHz
2 kHz
The L1/L2 pair is 59/50 dB SPL. Only
is shown.
Starting the test
1. To start the test, press the
button that is next to
, and that cor-
responds to the ear in which you placed the probe.
Otometrics - MADSEN AccuScreen
5 Testing with AccuScreen