A sterile alcohol wipe typically contains isopropyl alcohol 70%. It is important to have the disinfectant in
contact with the surface for the time period specified by the disinfectant manufacturer to ensure its effectiveness.
Always use new eartips.
Always use new ABR electrodes.
Always use new ear couplers.
Preparing the patient
Newborn hearing screening
Newborn hearing screening with OAE and ABR is best performed when the baby is sleeping. The ideal time is after the
baby has been fed and changed.
It is recommended that newborn babies be swaddled tightly for ABR testing. Swaddling has a very calming effect.
Preparing the patient for insertion of the ear probe
General preparations of the patient
1. Position the patient so that you can easily access the ear to be tested.
2. Grasp the pinna and gently pull back and slightly away from the patient's head.
3. Look into the ear canal.
If you can see apparent narrowing of the ear canal, it probably is not straight.
Because newborn ear canals are very soft, they are easily pressed out of shape. If this is the
case, wait until the ear canal returns to its original shape.
Release the pinna and try again. Gently massaging the area may help opening the ear canal.
4. Inspect the ear canal to make sure it is clear of vernix or debris as this may affect the result
of the test.
Fitting the eartip on the probe
1. Select an eartip that fits the patient's ear canal. You may have to try out a number of sizes in order to select the appro-
priate size.
2. Gently push the eartip onto the probe tip until it rests firmly against the base of the probe. It is much easier to attach
and remove the eartip if you turn it gently. When you do so, make sure that you hold the probe by the probe body
not by the cable
Otometrics - MADSEN AccuScreen
4 Preparing for testing