Disconnecting the probe
Do not pull the plug by the cable when you disconnect the probe. Instead, pull the sleeve of the grey con-
When disconnecting the plug, do not twist it. Instead, hold the sleeve of the plug and release it by pulling it straight out of
the socket.
The probe will not be released if you pull anywhere else than on the sleeve of the plug.
Connecting the electrode cable for ABR testing
1. Place AccuScreen face down.
The electrode cable plug sleeve and the colouring around the electrode plug socket on AccuScreen are green.
2. Align the ridge on the electrode cable plug with the notch in the green-bordered socket on the top end of
3. Gently insert the electrode cable plug into the electrode cable socket. The plug does not require force to be inserted
Disconnecting the electrode cable
Do not pull the plug by the cable when you disconnect the electrode cable. Instead, pull the sleeve of the
grey connector.
When disconnecting the plug, do not twist it. Instead, hold the sleeve of the plug and release it by pulling it straight out of
the socket.
The cable will not be released if you pull anywhere else than on the sleeve of the plug.
Connecting the ear coupler cable for ABR testing
For ABR-measurements you can use either the ear probe or the ear coupler cable with ear couplers. A major advantage in
using the ear coupler cable is that once the test starts, both ears can be tested simultaneously or consecutively. For ABR
Otometrics - MADSEN AccuScreen
4 Preparing for testing