Steinerne Furt 62
86167 Augsburg
Operating instructions
Application and function
The LS/PD LT2 LI UF sensor measures brightness reflected by a reference surface below
(e.g. a working desk) and detects motions from persons or other objects with heat dissipa-
tion (1: Presence and motion detector). Brightness and motion information is transmitted
to the connected LED drivers. The LED drivers take over the role of the control unit. The
light switched on if presence is detected and regulated according the incoming daylight
(2: Light sensor and indication LED) and the stored set point. Each detected motion is
indicated by the integrated green LED, if no presence is detected and the delay time has
expired the light will be switched off. The switch off delay time is stored in the drivers (ex-
factory setting: 15min) and can be modified by the Tuner4tronic software.On demand the
presence detection and light regulation can be disabled temporarily or permanently. In
addition the light can be dimmed / switched manually and a set point can be stored by the button integrated in the sensor
(3: Push button) or with an external Touch DIM push button connected to the LED drivers. If not otherwise stated all sub-
sequently described user operations can be performed with both buttons.
Manual dimming and switching
By a short push to a button the light can be switched on and off.
If the light is switched on and a set point is stored the daylight dependent regulation is active. If the light is switched off by
a short push and the presence detection is enabled, the light will switch on with the next motion after the inhibit time of
30s (ex-factory setting, the inhibit time can be modified by the Tuner4tronic software) has expired. The inhibit timer is retrig-
gered with every detected motion.
The light can be dimmed by a long push to the button. Dimming direction toggles with every long push. Manual dimming
stops the daylight dependent regulation, the regulation will be reactivated if the light is switched on again either by short
push or by presence detection.
Storing and deleting a daylight dependent regulation set point
To store a new regulation set point and enable the daylight dependent regulation the light has to be dimmed to the desired
brightness level. Subsequently the brightness level has to be stored by a double click. The double click is confirmed by a
two times blinking of the light. The new brightness level is stored ~ 10s after the double click, within that period no persons
or objects should be in between the sensor and the reference surface below.
To delete the set point and disable the daylight regulation, switch off the light by a short push and then double click on the
button. The light will switch on and dim to maximum to confirm that the set point is deleted.
Disable presence detection temporarily (holiday mode)
To disable the presence and motion detection temporarily (e.g. to avoid switch on during a longer absence period of the
workplace owner), double click on the button when light is switched on and light was not dimmed manually within last 30s.
The detection still will be indicated by the sensor LED, but not lead to a switch on of the light. To enable the presence and
motion detection again, short push the button.
Disable presence detection permanently
Press the button integrated in the sensor for ~ 20s until the LED of the sensor flashes one time to indicate that the presence
detection is disabled. If the detection is disabled the sensor LED will not blink anymore if persons or objects enter the
detection area. To enable the detection again, press the button integrated in the sensor for ~ 20s until the LED of the sen-
sor flashes two times to indicate that the presence detection is re-enabled.