Zero Configuration Setup
As an alternative to conventional network configuration, VersaSync can also be set up
using the zero-configuration networking technology ("zeroconf").
You can use Zeroconf on either Ethernet port if DHCP is enabled.
Zeroconf must be used with a DHCP server.
When using zeroconf, a TCP/IP network will be created automatically, i.e. without the
need for manual configuration: Once VersaSync's ETH connector is connected to a net-
work, you can directly access the VersaSync Web UI, using a standard web browser,
without any configuration.
Zeroconf can be used to connect to the unit through the Web UI:
when you need to identify the IP address assigned to your unit through DHCP
(DHCP must be enabled through the Web UI or CLI)
in circumstances when your unit is not connected directly to a PC
when you wish to access the Web UI of your VersaSync without using the CLI com-
mands or serial connection
anytime the IP address of a unit is not known
2.2 Zero Configuration Setup
VersaSync Getting Started Guide Rev. 8