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– Observing Teams and Equipment Procedures - © 2012 BDM
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Coconino Community College
Astronomy PHY180
Observing Teams and Telescope Equipment Procedures
The CCC Astronomy class has six
Orion SkyQuest XT6
telescopes. There are two dozen students, and hence, there will
be six teams of four students per telescope. For the semester,
each student will be assigned to a team 1 through 6. (Each
telescope, eyepiece case, and related reference materials, etc.
are also designated 1 through 6, respectively, and each teams'
equipment and materials should be maintained together.)
Each team will be responsible for their telescope, for
transporting, setting up, and observing with (and, of course for
maintaining their telescopes in good condition.) Note: In all
cases, never put your fingers on any optical surfaces (mirrors,
lenses, eyepieces, etc.)
1. Transporting Equipment
Transport activities to the observing site should be divided
between the students in each team as follows:
1. Carry the telescope tube and Dobsonian Mount by the mount handle.
Make sure
: The two tension springs (on the telescope tube’s sides) are secured to the
mount before attempting to carry the telescope.
2. Eyepiece cases (contains three eyepieces [17mm, 25mm & 40mm], Barlow lens, and a
lunar polarizing filter.)
3. Reference Materials (Telescope manual with Planisphere, Lunar Atlas, and Night Watch
Observing Guide.)
2. Setting up the Telescope
1. Place the Telescope and firmly on the
ground, preferably on as flat a surface as
possible. Make sure: The eyepiece end is
facing up, and the eyepiece focuser, and
Telrad finder are accessible when the
telescope is tipped horizontally.
2. Remove the Telescope cover, and set it in a
safe place so it will not be stepped on.
3. Open the eyepiece case, select the 40mm
eyepiece, and place it in the telescopes'
focusing tube. Finger-tighten the set screws
to secure the eyepiece.