Orion Shorty 08711d Instruction Manual Download Page 1





IN 017  Rev D 03/09

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A N   E M P L O Y E E - O W N E D   C O M P A N Y




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An Orion barlow lens is a simple concave (negative) lens that amplifies the magnifying power of 
any telescope eyepiece it’s used with. It works by reducing the convergence of the light cone 
heading into the eyepiece. In this way it increases the focal length of the telescope. Since mag-
nification is determined by dividing the telescope’s focal length by the eyepiece’s focal length, 
you can see that by doubling the telescope’s focal length, a 2x barlow lens doubles the magni-
fication of the system for a given eyepiece.
In this way, a 2x barlow can effectively double the number of magnifications available to you from 
a set of eyepieces. For example, if you have eyepieces with focal lengths of 26mm, 18mm, and 
10mm, using a 2x barlow will give you the equivalent of 13mm, 9mm, and 5mm eyepieces—like 
getting three more eyepieces for the price of one barlow! 
