Topple: Never pull out the shelf of a frame that is not anchored properly. Systems with
sliding shelves must be securely anchored to the floor and to the overhead cable racks.
Extending a shelf without correctly anchoring the frame can cause the frame to topple
and endanger personnel and damage equipment.
Topple: Frames are required to be attached to over-head ladder-racks before shelves
are extended.
Danger: Moving a frame requires two people. Injury or damage to internal components
due to shock and vibration might occur if not handled properly.
Warning: Before drilling holes in any flooring, verify with facilities personnel that the
area is free of gas or water pipes, ventilation plenum, and electrical wiring conduits.
Warning: Finger-tighten nuts on threaded rods inside the frames above the raised floor
before finger tightening the nuts below the raised floor.
Caution: Frame ground. Do not “double lug”: The practice of using one bolt through a
lug and the ground bar, and through another lug on the other side of the ground bar,
held in place by one nut.
Caution: After the frame has been shipped or moved, remove all cards prior to applying
power. Carefully reset cards to avoid possible faulty connections.
Danger: Strictly observe all grounding requirements to reduce the risk of electric shock.
Danger: Do not use or place commercially AC-powered equipment within 7 ft. of –48V
equipment. Close proximity can create a shock or current loop that is severely hazardous
to personnel and equipment.
Warning: The intra-building port(s) of the equipment or subassembly is suitable for
connection to intra-building or unexposed wiring or cabling only. The intra-building
port(s) of the equipment or subassembly MUST NOT be metallically connected to
interfaces that connect to the Outside Plant (OSP) or its wiring. These interfaces are
designed for use as intra-building interfaces only (Type 2 or Type 4 ports as described
910-5680-001 Revision F, February 2014
Safety and Pre-Installation Requirements
Platform Maintenance