Installing the Switch
Inspect the Line Card XBOW Connectors for Installation
The XBOW connectors on line cards are the receptacles for the midplane connector
pins. These connectors are checked as meticulously as the midplane connector pins.
You must verify that no connectors are damaged and no holes are blocked.
You need the following tools:
Magnifying glass
1. Identify the prerequisite and subsequent tasks you must perform in
conjunction with this procedure, to install the switch.
See the table in
“Installation Sequence” on page 20
2. Place the line card on a work surface with the XBOW connectors facing you.
3. Using the flashlight positioned to the side and above you, look at the holes of
the left-end connector.
Look at the holes straight on.
Note –
Do not look at the individual holes, rather look at all of the connector’s holes
as a group. A damaged or contaminated hole will be apparent.
4. Look for any closed-over or contaminated holes.
A closed-over or contaminated hole appears brighter than the surrounding holes.
5. Look for any enlarged or cracked holes.
An enlarged or cracked hole appears darker than the surrounding holes.
6. Move your head slightly right to the next connector, and inspect its pins,