● For packages over 150 lb—Network Equipment Building System (NEBS)
core standards.
GR-63-CORE, Packaged Equipment Shock (4.3.1), Office Vibration (4.4.3)
and Transportation Vibration (4.4.4).
Cable Length Limits for SAN Fibre Channel Connections
SAN Fibre Channel (FC) ports on Slammer network interface modules (NIMs)
connect to SAN switches using Fiber Channel cables of specified lengths.
The limits for the lengths of FC cables on the Slammer FC ports are as follows:
Table 61 Cable lengths limitations on Slammer FC ports
FC speed
Cable lengths
1 Gb/s
984 feet (300 meters)
2 Gb/s
984 feet (300 meters)
4 Gb/s
Multi-mode: 492 feet (150 meters)
8 Gb/s
Multi-mode: 164 feet (50 meters)
Note: Multi-mode FC cables must be 125/50 type. However, FC cables of type
125/62.5 are more common and reduce the required cable length by half.
Related tasks
Connect a Slammer to the Data Network
Cable Length Limits for NAS Ethernet Connections
NAS Ethernet ports on Slammer network interface modules (NIMs) connect to
NAS switches using Ethernet cables of specified lengths.
The limits for the lengths of the Ethernet cables on the Slammer Ethernet ports
are as follows:
Appendix C Pillar Axiom Hardware Specifications
About Slammer Hardware Specification