Component Overview
The Acme Packet 6300/6350 is contained in a 3U rack-mounted chassis. It can be
front- or center mounted in standard 19” wide racks (up to 32” deep), with options for
23” wide racks.
Acme Packet 6300/6350 - Front View
Acme Packet 6300/6350 - Rear View
Mounting Hardware
The Acme Packet 6300/6350 is supported by a pair of slide rails that are affixed to an
equipment rack by front and rear mounting flanges. The slide rails are adjustable for
equipment racks of various depths.
Equipment Rack Installation Hardware
For equipment rack installations, the Acme Packet 6300/6350 ships with both left and
right stationary slide rails and chassis slide rails, as well as all required spacers, nut
bars, and screws.