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Front Panel Operation
RL Mode
RL mode is designed to measure return loss for two wavelengths at one time. It allows
for quick referencing of two wavelengths and simultaneous measuring of return loss of
reflective events at both wavelengths. Additionally one also has the ability to reference to
and measure return loss of the second connector of the DUT.
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Changes the return loss wavelength-pair for units with more than
two wavelengths
Navigates to the RL Reference screen
Moves to the next reflection position and begins taking
measurements at that point once reference is complete
Displays on-screen pass/fail results based on Settings defined by
the user in the Settings mode
Advances to the next page of options
Returns to the Home Screen
Page 1
Toggles the OP725 between A B and B A directions and
updates the screen to reflect the reference values for the
appropriate direction (only in Bidirectional Mode)
Toggles whether the RL Zero correction is active. The RL Zero
correction is set on the RL Ref screen and will reset to 0.00dB
each time the unit is powered down
Displays on-screen context help for this mode screen
Returns to page 1
Returns to the Home Screen
Page 2