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Example 1: Running a Test (cont.)
The results of the test will display as pass, mapping fail, connection fail, or power level fail.
The test will give a passing result if the mapping
is correct for the type being tested and if there
is sufficient output power through each fiber.
Power Level Fail
If the mapping is correct but the output power
is low, the test will give a failing result. This type
of failure will only appear if the type being tested
has a reference associated with it and if the
power level test is enabled.
Mapping Fail
If the cable mapping does not match the mapping of the type being tested, the results will
show where fibers are crossed and give a failing result. If the unit detects that the mapping
of the failed cable matches a different type that is known to the unit, the suggested type
will display at the top of the screen.
Connection Fail
If there are fibers in the cable that fail to make
contact or otherwise are completely unable
to output power from the source port to
the receive port, the affected fibers will only
populate halfway up the display and the test
will give a failing result.