OTS Series Command Line Interface User Guide
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The network element supports up to nine simultaneous CLI sessions. In each session, user can obtain privileged
operational level. Changes made by one CLI session are reflected in all other CLI sessions.
CLI can recognize a key word in the command after user types the “least unique character string”. For example, user only
needs to type “sh time” and the CLI recognizes that this is “show time” command, since “sh” has uniquely identified key
word “show”.
Pressing the TAB key automatically completes a key word if the existing string has uniquely identified a key word. If the
existing string cannot uniquely identify a key word, no action is taken.
User Management and Security
Account management
Users login into the equipment with different levels and are allowed different commands. Administrator users can
configure and query equipment for information of all users, and users see the equipment information only.
Command History
The CLI provides a history or record of commands that the users have entered. The CLI enables the user to configure the
number of command lines in the network element history buffer. The default value is 24.