V 1.0 - eng
COE LS-X Line Scan Camera | USER MANUAL
Figure 1-116
Set Embedded Information
You can also use the chunk data function to add the embedded information in images. The chunk
data function allows you to generate supplementary image data and append that data to every image
that you acquire.
The chunk data function may differ by camera models.
The chunk data function is not supported if the camera enables the image compression mode.
The camera uses the chunk data function to realize embedded information in image in priority if
you enable chunk data function and embedded information function both.
1. Click
Chunk Data Control
2. Enable
Chunk Mode Active
3. Select
specific parameters in
Chunk Selector
according to actual demands.
4. Enable
Chunk Enable
Figure 1-117
Set Chunk Data Control
11.3 TDI Function
The TDI function may differ by camera models.