SNAP PAC S-Series User’s Guide
R-series and S-series controllers with PAC firmware R9.5a and higher. To configure https access to your PAC’s
RESTful server and learn how to call the API, visit
Because SNAP PAC S-series controllers have multiple Ethernet and serial interfaces, these controllers are
suitable for use in a variety of system layouts and architectures.
Dual independent Ethernet interfaces, for example, let you configure a network for link redundancy or
segmented networking. A PPP serial interface provides a dial-up modem link for remotely located control
systems, while two-wire RS-485 support integrates existing Opto 22
serial-based I/O units into
contemporary Ethernet-based systems.
On Wired+Wireless models, the additional wireless LAN interface offers even more flexibility in system design.
Basic Control System
In this basic system, the SNAP-PAC-S1 controls several SNAP PAC I/O units, some on a wired Ethernet network
and some on a serial network. PAC Project Basic is all you need.
PC used to develop the PAC
Control strategy. After
development, the strategy
is downloaded to the
controller and runs
PC running
PAC Display HMI
(operator interface)
SNAP-PAC-S1 controller
running the PAC Control
strategy and controlling all
I/O units, both Ethernet
and serial
SNAP PAC EB brains
providing distributed
control on an
Ethernet network
SNAP PAC SB brains providing
distributed control on a serial