Version 1.0.1 - 2020-09-07
Translation of original instruction
DQ14 | DQ18 | DQ22
Clamp the workpiece in the machine vice. Make sure that the workpiece is firmly clamped in
the machine vice and that the machine vice is firmly clamped onto the drill table.
Use cooling and lubricating agents to increase the durability of the tool and to improve the
surface quality.
Clamp the cutting tools and workpieces on clean clamping surfaces.
Sufficiently lubricate the machine.
Set the bearing clearance and guides correctly.
Insert the drill in a way that it is positioned exactly between the three clamping jaws of the
drill chuck.
When drilling, make sure that
the suitable speed is set depending on the diameter of the drill,
the pressure must only be such that the drill can cut without load,
if there is too much pressure, the drill will wear quickly and may even break or jam in the
borehole. If the drill gets jammed immediately stop the main motor by pressing the emer-
gency stop button,
For hard materials, e.g. steel, it is necessary to use commercial cooling/lubricating
agents.Basically, always pull out the drill with rotating spindle from the workpiece.
The processing of plastics on the drilling machine leads to static charging. The static charg-
ing of machine parts due to the processing of plastics cannot be safely dissipated by the
drilling machine.
Possible dangers posed by the bench drill
The bench drill is state-of-the-art. Nevertheless, there is a residual risk, as the bench drill oper-
ates with
high speeds,
rotating parts,
electrical voltage and currents.
We have used design and safety engineering to minimize the health risk to personnel
resulting from these hazards.
If the bench drill is used and maintained by personnel who are not duly qualified, there may be
a risk resulting from incorrect or unsuitable maintenance of the bench drill.
Everyone involved in the assembly, commissioning, operation and maintenance must
be duly qualified
and strictly follow these operating instructions.
In the event of improper use
there may be a risk to personnel,
there may be a risk to the machine and other material values,
the correct function of the bench drill may be affected.
Always disconnect the bench drill when cleaning or maintenance work is being carried out.
The bench drill may only be used with fully functional safety devices.
Disconnect the bench drill immediately, whenever you detect a failure in the safety
devices or when they are not fitted!
This is your responsibility being the operator!