Version 1.1.2 dated 2019-5-7
Page 245
Translation of the original instructions
macines name
M A S C H I N E N - G E R M A N Y
To avoid an operating fault, you need an AC/DC-sensitive ELCB. Be absolutely sure
which leakage current security is necessary for dangerous body currents, as regulated
in DIN VDE 0100 part 410, at your mains connection.
3.10.3 When the ELCB triggers
Pulse current - sensitive ELCB type A
ELCB type A independent of rated voltage, for triggering when changing fault cur-
rents and pulsing DC fault currents.
AC/DC - sensitive ELCB type B
ELCBs of series type B also accept the detection of smooth AC fault cur-
rents as well as the detection of fault current shapes of type A; they are
therefore suitable for all the circuits mentioned. ELCBs of this series therefore detect all
types of fault current according to the triggering characteristic B, i.e. both smooth DC fault
currents and also all AC fault currents of all frequencies and mixed frequencies up to 1 MHz
are detected and switched off reliably in the event of a fault.
Alternating current - sensitive ELCBs of type AC (only alternating current) are
unsuitable for frequency converters. Alternating current - sensitive ELCBs of type
AC are not customarily used and are no longer permitted in Germany.
Type B must be used with 3-phase converters.
When using an external EMC filter, to avoid false error shutdowns, a time delay of at least 50
ms is required. The leakage current can exceed the threshold trigger value for an error shut-
down if the phases are not switched on at the same time.