User Manual
Figure 2: DeltaSens front and rear panels
The interrogator is a standalone device meaning it can operate without being connected to a
computer. If not connected to a computer, the unit will operate according to the latest configurations
set by the user. Such configurations can be edited only by connecting the unit to a computer with the
DeltaSens software installed on it. The software also allows to control the measurement parameters,
acquire and record signals and analyse them.
Before connecting the interrogator to the computer, please install the accompanying software and
necessary drivers.
To configure the interrogator, connect it to the power supply and to the computer (or your LAN
network) with the provided cables. After turning the device on, it will take it around 1 minute to boot
and load the previous configurations. After booting, the device will start operating according to the
latest configurations set via software by the user. It will acquire the signals and generate the digital
and analog output signals according to the loaded settings. After booting, the device can be
accessed via software to update and edit its configurations.