Sub-Harmonic Generator
User Manual
Rev. 06/05/2020
sets level of dry input signal. DRY pot can both boost or reduce gain.
sets level of lower octave.
used to set various functions, SUB ATTACK, SPLIT OUT, TRACKING, SUB TONE
FUNCTION switch settings
SUB ATTACK: toggles between FAST and SLOW attack of octave down signal.
How to toggle between fast and slow SUB ATTACK: with pedal bypass LED turned ON, keep FUNCTION switch
pressed for 2 seconds, LED will flash a few times indicating successful change.
SPLIT MODE: toggles between MONO and SPLIT output. MONO mode mixes SUB and DRY on a single channel. SPLIT
mode, as it says, splits SUB and DRY on different channels. You need to use a Y jack or adapter to work. In SPLIT
mode the TIP of the jack carries the DRY signal and RING carries the SUB signal. This is very useful to route DRY and
SUB to different audio paths.
When pedal is in SPLIT mode the current absorption increases by 10mA.
How to toggle between MONO and SPLIT output: put pedal in bypass status by pushing bypass footswitch, keep
FUNCTION switch pressed for 2 seconds, LED will flash a few times indicating successful change.
TRACKING (8 steps): sets tracking for different guitars and pickup types. This setting affects the octave down
response to your guitar. It’s a 8 steps setting, so up to 8 different tracking options. When setting TRACKING low
(CCW) it will move the sub octave range toward low frequencies. When setting TRACKING high (CW) it will move the
sub octave range toward high frequencies.
As a general rule, low tuned guitars, 7-string guitars, baritones etc. will prefer a low TRACKING setting. Standard
tuned 6-strings guitars will go better with a high TRACKING setting.
How to set a new TRACKING: press FUNCTION once. LED will start blink at 1 sec rate. Set new TRACKING by moving
the DRY knob and play to test which TRACKING setting works best. When done press FUNCTION once again to exit.