The Information Company
3.2 Initialization
After you turn on the TD2u, the device takes about five seconds to initialize and run a
self-test procedure. The screen is blank and unlit until the self-test is complete. An LED
check is then conducted so you can verify that all of the LEDs are functioning. When
initialization is complete, the TD2u displays warning messages about any detected faults.
3.3 Configuring the TD2u
The TD2u comes ready to be connected to the TP5 power supply and turned on.
After running a three-second initialization and self-test procedure, the TD2u starts the
Configuration Wizard. The Configuration Wizard prompts you for the default username,
current date/time, and preferred startup mode. The TD2u stores these settings in non-
volatile flash memory for use at each startup.
The startup mode feature lets you customize the TD2u for a specific workflow. The
Startup Mode setting provides the following options.
Main Menu
Duplication (for cloning or imaging)
Wipe Disk
You can configure the startup mode and other settings at any time from the System
Settings menu (Menu 7.1).
Once you have configured your TD2u, the startup sequence bypasses the Configuration
Wizard unless you have used Factory Reset (Menu 7.3) in the Setup menu.
3.4 User-selected startup mode
The TD2u can be configured to display different screens at initial startup. This setting
allows for quick access to commonly used functions. For example, if you use the TD2u
mainly for duplications, you can customize the startup mode for disk duplication. Details
on this and other settings made by the Configuration Wizard are discussed below in the
section on System Settings (Menu 7.1).
3.5 System Settings (Menu 7.1)
System Settings
menu provides options for setting TD2u options, defaults, and the
current date/time. The System Settings menu also provides options for viewing TD2u
information and current status.
The following table lists additional options and values you can set in System Options.