OpenSprinkler OpenSprinkler v3 Getting Started Manual Download Page 1

 OpenSprinkler v3 Getting Started Guide 

Thank you ordering OpenSprinkler. You have received hardware ​v3 with built-in WiFi, and OLED display.​ This 
document is a brief introduction to how to get started using the device. ​For complete information, including video 
tutorials, user manual, and API document, please visit ​




OpenSprinkler is ​NOT​ waterproof​. For 
outdoor use​, please put the controller in a 
waterproof enclosure. 

OpenSprinkler v3 has several differences 
with the previous generation. Check the 
image on the right for locations and labels 
of connectors and terminals. 


 version has a ​



for 24VAC; ​





have a ​


 ​DC power plug. 

There are two sensor terminals: Sensor 1 
(​SN1​) and Sensor 2 (​SN2​). At the moment 
of this writing, the firmware only supports 
one sensor, through SN1. Support for the 
second sensor will be available in the 
future. To connect a sensor, such as rain or flow sensor, insert the two wires to ​SN1 and GND​. These sensors are 
typically dry-contact switches so there is no polarity. Powered sensors (such as 5V flow sensor) can also be used: the 
pin labeled VIN o5V. 

The ​COM​ (common) wire terminal has two ports internally wires together. You can use either port (COM-COM). 

OpenSprinkler v3 uses a different type of zone expander connector from previous versions. When purchasing zone 
expanders in the future, please make sure to purchase ​Expander version 3.0​ which comes with the compatible cable. 

OpenSprinkler v3 also has built-in RF transmitter connector. This is for the RF station feature (which allow OpenSprinkler 
to control RF wireless power sockets). When plugged in, the transmitter should face up (check user manual for details). 

Hardware Installation 

Step 1: Label wires and remove your existing sprinkler controller.


Carefully label and remove the wires from your existing controller. Typically you will see ​24VAC power​ wires, ​COM 
(common) wire​
, one or more ​Zone wires​. You may also find a ​Master Zone​ (or Pump Start Relay) wire, and ​Rain Sensor 
 (if you have a rain sensor installed). 

Step 2: Attach OpenSprinkler, and re-insert wires. 

For the convenience of installing wires: all terminal blocks on OpenSprinkler can be removed and re-inserted later. 

For ​


 version, insert the power supply wires to the ​


 terminal block. AC has no polarity. 

For ​


 or ​


 versions, plug in the DC power supply. Insert the other wires (COM and zone wires) 

correspondingly. Note that ​COM (common) wire should go to the COM terminal, NOT GND​!!! 

To connect a sensor, such as Rain Sensor, insert the two wires to ​SN1​ and ​GND​. Generally there is no polarity. 

If you have a Master Zone (or Pump Start Relay) wire, insert it to any zone port – OpenSprinkler uses software defined 
Master Zone (up to 2 independent Master Zones), any of the available zones can be assigned as a Master Zone. 

Step 3: Link OpenSprinkler Zone Expansion Boards (optional) 

Plug one end of the zone extension cable (comes with expanders) into OpenSprinkler's Zone Expander connector. The 
connector is polarized so there is only one way to plug it in. Plug the other end to the Zone Expander. 

The Zone Expander has two connectors that are equivalent, so you can plug into either. To link additional Zone 
Expanders, use another extension cable to link the unused connector on the first zone expander to either connector of 
the second expander. OpenSprinkler v3 supports ​up to 4​ expanders (each expander adds 16 zones). 



Continue to the other side 

