ON control AB, Hjortstigen 5, SE-507 70 GÅNGHESTER, Sweden
Tel: +46 33 25 65 70, Mobile: +46 70 625 86 00, Fax: +46 33 25 69 20
Beskrivning KSUA ver2_4_eng.doc
Control panel
Valid from week of manufacture 45/2010 and
software version 2.4 to 2.5
The KSUA is a control and monitoring unit
designed to control various types of fire/smoke
dampers and fans in a flexible way. This unit is
a master unit. Up to 32 slave units can be
connected to the KSUA. Each slave can operate
two damper groups, each with a maximum of
two dampers and two smoke detector groups.
These units can be grouped in any way in up to
64 fire zones. Each damper group and detector
group can be monitored individually. A central
fire alarm system can be connected using the
KSUC, which has a maximum capacity of
16+16 fire zones. The KSUA can also be used
to connect ventilation systems, smoke
evacuation fans and heater batteries. These
units are then controlled in an intelligent way
depending on their function. The KSUA has
additional inputs for an external fire alarm,
forced opening, night mode, etc. The KSUA
also has a standardised input for connecting a
Modbus network monitoring all dampers,
smoke detectors and other devices.
Master unit for KSUB
32 slave units
64 damper groups
64 detector groups
Separate KSUC unit for connecting a fire
Separate alarm inputs for isolating switches
in smoke extraction fans (for example)
2 fan groups
6 distributed relay outputs
Real time clock with battery backup
External input for central fire alarm system
Night mode input
Forced opening input
Evacuation dampers (pressure relief) can be
configured in any way in the system
Damper position indication
Error logging
Integrated troubleshooting program
Compact plastic case
Integrated transformer
Programming using modern techniques
(knob with pushbutton)
Easy to back up the configuration
Serial or TCP/IP Modbus
And more
Maximum configuration
The system can handle a total of 64 damper
groups with a maximum of 128 dampers and
64 detector inputs. In principle, an unlimited
number of smoke detectors can be connected.
These smoke detector inputs and fire dampers
can then be grouped into a maximum of 64 fire
zones. 16+16 fire zones come from the KSUC.
There are up to two outputs for fan control.
Using the KSUC, a further 6 outputs are
available. These outputs can be configured for
ventilation fans, smoke extraction fans, various
alarms or heater batteries. Custom delays, etc.
can be selected for each of the options.