I/O Refreshing
This section describes the types and functions of I/O refreshing for the NX Units.
5-1 I/O Refreshing............................................................................................... 5 - 2
I/O Refreshing from CPU Units to NX Units ................................................. 5 - 2
I/O Refreshing from CPU Units or Industrial PCs to Slave Terminal ............ 5 - 3
Calculating the I/O Response Time of NX Units ........................................... 5 - 4
5-2 I/O Refreshing Methods............................................................................... 5 - 6
Types of I/O Refreshing Methods ................................................................. 5 - 6
Setting the I/O Refreshing Methods.............................................................. 5 - 7
Restrictions in Refresh Cycles...................................................................... 5 - 8
I/O Refreshing Operation.............................................................................. 5 - 9
5 - 1
NX-series Analog I/O Units User’s Manual for High-speed Analog Input Units (W592)