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Advanced Industrial Automation

Smart Active Parts

Time is money!

Thanks to the advance of modern communication technology, modern plants are populated with 
devices that can spill huge amount of data. However how much of this data is turned into useful 
information, is still an interesting challenge. 

Omron has developed a new concept called: ‘Smart Active Parts’. 
This enables engineers to turn all of the information available 
in modern machines, into a useful Human Machine Interface 
in just four simple steps. 

Conventional HMI programming 

As the HMI evolves into a complete Machine Management Tools, 
there is an ever-increasing need for engineers to master all of the 
devices in a machine. 
To design a comprehensive HMI, which enables operators 
to configure, commission, operate and maintain a machine, 
engineers need to: 
•  Program the HMI to manage a device 
•  Program the communication to the device 
•  Program the PLC to arrange the data from the device 
•  Test the communication 
•  Test the PLC program 
•  Test the HMI program 
Of course all of this programming and testing consists of many 
separate steps and takes designers a lot of time to complete. 

Four steps solution: Click and Configure 

The way Omron saves designers a lot of time, is with the help 
of Smart Active Parts and Smart Field Devices. In just four simple 
steps you can create a complete device management screen: 
1. Create a new project 
2. Open the Smart Active Parts Library 
3. Choose a Smart Active Part 
4. Configure the communication settings 
Smart Active Parts are provided, free of charge, in the development 
package for Omron’s NS-series HMI, NS-Designer. 

Conventional design of a HMI application required 

the developer to master PLC programming, 

HMI programming and device communication. 

With Smart Active Parts none of that is needed! 
