LD Platform Peripherals Guide
13732-000 Rev J
4.4 Operation
Figure 4-12
AMR Status Icons
The Busy icon may also include an arrow pointing down, indicating a
pickup, an arrow pointing up, indicating it is doing a dropoff, or an exclamation
mark, indicating an alert condition. Figure 4-8 shows a dropoff.
The bottom of the left side of the touchscreen provides a Stay button, to delay the departure of
the AMR, and a count-down timer, indicating when the AMR will depart.
Each press of the Stay button adds 1 minute to the time the AMR will wait before continuing
to its next goal.
If you press Stay while the AMR is stopped, it will add 1 minute to the time the AMR is
scheduled to wait before continuing to its next goal.
If you press Stay while the AMR is moving, it will stop, and stay for 1 minute.
The Stay count-down timer can be zeroed at any time by pressing Go at
the bottom of the center pane.
The screensaver can be set up to behave the same way the Stay button does, so that pressing
the screensaver adds 1 minute to the time the AMR will wait.
Right Screen Pane
The right side of the touchscreen displays Home, Dropoffs, Status, and Help tabs. Pressing one
of these tabs changes the context of the center pane.
The Dropoffs tab is not displayed in Patrol Route mode.
The Home tab is used to switch the center pane to show the AMR’s current mission. If
an error condition exists, such as the AMR overheating or being lost, the software will
automatically select the Home tab. See the following figure.