Chapter 4: Touchscreen
Choose Dropoff mode allows the Operator to input the next dropoff goals.
Patrol Route mode simply drives around a specific route. The AMR will have goals that
it stops at, but the Operator will not be able to alter the order of those goals.
For Choose Dropoff, you specify how many dropoff buttons there will be, and how each button
is labeled, as well as the goal on the AMR's map that gets associated with each button.
For Patrol Route, you specify the name of the route and whether to start the patrol on bootup.
The route will include whatever goals the AMR will stop at, and how long it will wait at each
specific goal.
These parameters are accessed from:
MobilePlanner > Config, then Robot Interface > Touchscreen
Select either Choose Dropoff or Patrol Route with the Pages > MainPage parameter, which has
a dropdown selection box.
Choose Dropoff Mode
The following parameters only apply to the Choose Dropoff mode.
Dropoff Priority
This is accessed under Pages > ChooseDropoffPage.
You can enable high-priority dropoffs, which will be serviced before normal-priority dropoffs.
The Operator can specify that a goal is high-priority when it is being selected for the upcoming
This allows some dropoffs to be specified as high-priority. This is enabled by
default, and you can disable or re-enable it in the MobilePlanner software.
This is the priority assigned to any dropoff that is specified as high-priority.
Higher priority jobs will be serviced before lower-priority jobs by the queuing
manager. This has no effect if AllowHighPriorityDropoffs is disabled.
Dropoff Buttons
This is accessed under Pages > ChooseDropoffPage.
This specifies the total number of buttons that will be available on the touch-
screen page. You can scroll the page to see other buttons, if all of the buttons can-
not be displayed at once.
There will be a DropoffButton1 through DropoffButtonx, where x = DropoffBut-
tonCount. Each contains the two following parameters:
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LD Platform Peripherals Guide