Temperature Controller CompoWay/F Driver
GP-Pro EX Device/PLC Connection Manual
Error Messages
Error messages are displayed on the screen of Display as follows: "No. : Device Name: Error Message(Error
Occurrence Area)". Each description is shown below.
Display Examples of Error Messages
"RHAA035: PLC1: Error has been responded for device write command (Error Code: 2[02H])"
Error No.
Device Name
Name of External Device where error occurs. Name of External Device is a title of
External Device set with GP-Pro EX.((Initial value[PLC1])
Error Message
Displays messages related to the error which occurs.
Error Occurrence Area
Displays IP address or device address of External Device where error occurs, or error codes
received from External Device.
• IP address is displayed such as "IP address(Decimal): MAC address (Hex)".
• Device address is displayed such as "Address: Device address".
• Received error codes are displayed such as "Decimal[Hex]".
• Refer to your External Device manual for details on received error codes.
• Refer to "Display-related errors" in "Maintenance/Troubleshooting Guide" for details on the error
messages common to the driver.