PROFIBUS configurator
PROFIBUS configurator
Advanced configuration tool that uses FDT/DTM (Field De-
vice Tool and Device Type Manager) Technology
• The PROFIBUS-DP network topology and system characteristics
are defined and then downloaded in the OMRON PROFIBUS Mas-
ter Unit
• Configuration can be done remotely, via other networks as Ethernet
or ControllerLink
• Can be used with all Omron masters*
The configuration software package for the OMRON PROFIBUS-
DP master is used to define:
The configuration of the bus system connected.
Configuration- and parameter data of all connected slave stations.
Overall bus communication settings.
All configuration data can be prepared off-line and downloaded remo-
After the initial configuration has been downloaded, the software
package can be used for:
Addition / deletion of slave units or -modules.
Monitoring the PROFIBUS system status.
Troubleshooting communication problems.
It is not possible to use other (general-purpose) PROFIBUS-DP Confi-
gurator software packages for this purpose
More about FDT/DTM and Omron CX-PROFIBUS
FDT is a frame application that provides a standard communication
interface between software components that support the field devices
and systems. These so-called DTMs, can be used in all configuration
tools who follow the FDT specification.
The DTM is the management component for a field device or system.
It provides all configuration, diagnostics and maintenance information
and even graphical user dialogs of the specific device. Omron's CX-
PROFIBUS configuration package is a FDT frame application that
includes all DTM's for Omron PROFIBUS masters and slaves. DTM's
of other vendors devices can be added. Also a Generic slave DTM for
field devices that only provide a GSD-file for configuration is available.
C200HW-PRM21 will be supported early 2004. Remote configuration is not possible with the C200H master.
Ordering Information
System Configuration
Controller Link