5 Error Processing, Maintenance and Inspection
CJ-series High-speed Counter Units Operation Manual for NJ-series CPU Unit(W492)
Clearing DM-configuration Errors
DM-configuration errors can be cleared by correcting the faulty settings in device variables for CJ-
series Unit (for setting) and consecutively transferring the new configuration data again to the Unit.
To transfer the configuration data you can choose from one out of two possibilities:
• Reset the Controller
• Restart the High-speed Counter Unit (refer to 4-1-2 Unit Restart).
Over- and underflow errors are reported only for Linear Counters assuming that they have been config-
ured to generate error codes (refer to 3-2-3 Linear Counter).
Clearing overflow/underflow errors
Overflow- and underflow errors can be cleared by resetting or presetting the Counter that generated
over- or underflow. To reset a Counter refer to 3-6 Reset Counter. To preset a Counter refer 3-4 Dig-
ital Input Functions.
Additional Information
At overflow- and underflow errors it is possible to configure Output State Control (refer to 3-5-4
Output Control Configuration).
Overflow/Underflow errors
Error Code 1
Error Code 2
Counter No.
The Linear Counter with the Counter No. as reported
in Error Code 2 generated overflow.
Counter No.
The Linear Counter with the Counter No. as reported
in Error Code 2 generated underflow.