Chapter 2: Operational Safety
Before working with the AMR, every person must confirm that
Have the necessary qualifications and training.
Have received the guides (both this user’s guide, and the
HD-1500 Platform User's
Manual (Cat. No. I645)
Have read the guides.
Understand the guides.
Will work in the manner specified by the guides.
Payload Movement and Transfer
A typical AMR application uses a payload structure to transport objects within a facility. For
example, the AMR might pick up and carry a crate of engine parts from one conveyor belt
then deliver it to another conveyor belt.
It is the end user's responsibility to ensure that the payload is properly secured
to the HD-1500 platform, and that the payload does not experience any shifting
during movement of the AMR. For example, when transporting containers of
liquids, the operator must take necessary precautions to prevent sloshing of the
fluid as it affects the stability of the AMR.
Intentional movement of the payload structure (such as conveyor or AMR arm) during the
AMR movement is prohibited. It is the end-user's responsibility to design an appropriate inter-
lock to prevent this.
During movement and transfer, you must actively monitor and confirm the transfer operation
to make sure that it completes successfully. If any operation fails, a fail-safe interlock must trig-
ger an AMR E-Stop condition. An E-Stop condition prevents the AMR from moving until you
resolve the problem and confirm that it is safe to restart operations.
Your facility should provide such fail-safe interlocks between the AMR and any facility equip-
ment with which it interfaces. After you attach your payload to the AMR, verify the correct
operation of the fail-safe as part of your risk assessment.
Configurable Warning Buzzer
The HD-1500 has a configurable warning buzzer. You should configure this buzzer as appro-
priate for the facility in which the AMR will be operating. The warning buzzer is configured
with MobilePlanner.
The buzzer must be audible above the ambient noise of the environment that the HD-1500
operates in. In environments with higher levels of noise, you may need to supply and install
an additional warning buzzer to an appropriate location on the payload structure.
You can also configure the buzzer to activate in other specific situations, or to operate con-
tinuously whenever the AMR moves.
31500-100 RevA
Mobile Robot HD Safety Manual