of which the terminal must establish connection with the communication server,
while being in roaming. Recommended value – 180 minutes.
“Data packet size to send to CS” – enter the data batch size, upon achieving which the
terminal must establish connection with the communication server, while being in
roaming. Recommended value – 100 Kb.
In the “Roaming settings” section:
“Roaming” – select the option of SIM card using while in roaming. Possible options:
“Permitted”, “Forbidden” or “According to the List”.
“Permitted” – the terminal will transmit data via available cellular networks
“Forbidden” – the terminal will not transmit data, while being in roaming * «В
роуминге как дома»
“Always in a home network” – the terminal will transmit data as set up for
connection to the CS in a home network
“According to the List” – the terminal will only transmit data via the cellular
networks provided in the list. Enter the MCC and MNC of required cellular networks
in the table.
When the terminal is operating in roaming, the data are only transmitted to
communication server No. 1. To transmit data to two communication servers, select
“Always in a home network”.
Selection of Ignition Source
In the “Settings” tab select the “Inputs” section from the list.
In the “Ignition key status” section:
Operation Parameters Setting
Omnicomm OKO video terminal