Chicken Netting Instructions
50m comes with 17 pole clips.
50m comes with 8 pole clips.
Assembly time
No more than 15 minutes
Feed the pole into the clip in front of the netting, this will hold the
netting in place.
Step 3 - Attaching the pole clips
Place a clip on to the netting where
the bottom of the pole will be.
Make sure the net goes though
the clip, as shown above.
Unroll the netting
Some poles are already in place.
50m netting comes with 15 poles.
25m netting comes with 8 poles.
You will have some extra poles.
50m netting comes with 17 poles.
25m netting comes with 8 poles.
Step 2 - Threading the poles
Thread the pole into the net under over under over
all the way to the top.
Step 1 - Carefully unroll the netting
Before you start
This netting is suitable for large
hens or bantams and can be
used with your Eglu chicken
house. Plan where you want
you netting to be and carefully
unroll it. Ideally this should be
on a flat surface. Be careful not
to create a trip hazard.
What you have received
Omlet Limited
Tuthill Park
Oxon OX17 1RY
[email protected]
0845 450 20 56