Series TCL-3M165E2
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Setting time :
Input the new value in the input window and confirm the input.
The new value is adopted and you will be returned to the previous window.
Stirring speed :
You can change the stirring speed here. The parameter field is only displayed with "Select
Function" as micro bath.
The parameter field of the stirring speed is only
displayed if the calibrator is operated as a micro bath
and the corresponding functionality has been selected.
Tap on the parameter field "Stirring speed"
Input the desired speed and confirm the input.
The new stirring speed is adopted and you will be
returned to the previous window.
Stability range :
Input the new value in the input window and confirm the input.
The new value is adopted and you will be returned to the previous window.
5.5 Test specimen (DUT - Device under test)
Here, you can select and manage existing test specimens. You can create new test
specimens or tailor unprotected test specimens to match your requirements.
IMPORTANT! When changing test specimens, please consider!
The individual test specimens of the calibrator are independent. Changes to existing test
specimens always affect all the test tasks that are linked to the test specimen.
You can get to the "Select DUT" window via the parameter field in the configuration range of
the main window or from the window "Test Task configuration".
5.5.1 Select DUT
Information on the selected test specimen is
displayed in the information box.
All the test specimens of the calibrator are displayed
in the selection list.
From the toolbar, you can accept the selected test
specimen, or switch to expert mode for managing and
configuring the test specimens.
Operation is analogous to the section "Select Function" (
§ 5.4.1).