Olympus CAMEDIA C-5050 Zoom Repair Services Download Page 1


D I G I T A L   T E C H N I C A L   S U P P O R T  


O L Y M P U S   I M A G I N G   A M E R I C A   I N C .  


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Olympus Imaging America Inc. 

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Last updated on October 13, 2005 




It has recently come to our attention that a limited number of C-5050 Zoom and C-730UZ 
cameras may exhibit the following symptoms: 

In picture taking mode, the camera will produce pictures that are of a gray or 
purple tone or the pictures will be completely black.  If the LCD monitor (or 
the C-730UZ electronic viewfinder) is used to compose the picture, the 
preview display will also be dark. 


NOTE:  This problem may be accelerated if the product is frequently exposed to hot and humid 
We sincerely apologize if you experience this problem.  In response, Olympus Imaging America 
Inc. will cover all costs involved in repair service in order to bring the product back to full 
working specifications.  Olympus Imaging America Inc will extend the repair service coverage 
for this defect for up to four years from the purchase date of your product.  The following 
facilities are equipped to service Olympus digital camera products in the United States: 

Olympus Imaging America Inc. 
400 Rabro Drive 
Hauppauge, NY 11788-4258 



Olympus Imaging America Inc. 
10805 Holder Street  Suite 170 
Cypress, CA 90630-5145 

An Olympus representative will work with you to determine if your product requires service and 
to provide you with complete product repair instructions if needed.  Please give us a call at (888) 
553-4448, Monday through Friday from 8 am to 10 pm Eastern Time.  If you would like to 
correspond with us via e- mail, please send your message to: 

[email protected]


This policy applies to products distributed in North America by Olympus Imaging America Inc.  
For products distributed outside of North America, please visit the Olympus homepage 


) to find the distributor in your area. 

