GR-750x series
Control panel for addressable emergency
Document number: 923750400_09_007
Date: 3/5/2022
Page: 13 of 71
2.6 Luminaire commands
A list of the commands the panel can sent to the luminaires can be found below, along with the description of
each command.
Table 6
– Luminaire commands
Starts a function (operational) test on the specified luminaires.
Starts a duration (autonomy) test on the specified luminaires.
Stops all running tests on the specified luminaires.
The LED indicators of the specified luminaire start blinking so it
can be visually identified.
Sets the specified luminaires to
inhibit mode
Resets all commands/modes of the specified luminaires.
Reset the faults of the specified luminaires.
2.7 Function test
Function test procedure initiates a self-test (operational test) procedure of the luminaires connected to the
panel, to verify their proper operation. No specific equipment is required and can be manually performed at
any time or scheduled at specific days of the week at a certain time. During the test, a LED indicator flashes
on the luminaire indicating the ongoing operation. For more information about the LED indicators of the
luminaire, refer to its manual.
Upon completion of the test, if a problem is detected by the luminaires, the panel will be notified, the
corresponding fault will appear in the fault list with detailed information.
2.8 Duration test
Duration test procedure initiates a self-test (autonomy test) procedure of the luminaires connected to the
panel, to evaluate the endurance of their batteries. No specific equipment is required and can be manually
performed at any time or be scheduled up to two times per year. During the test, a LED indicator flashes on
the luminaire indicating the ongoing operation. For more information about the LED indicators of the luminaire,
refer to its manual.
Upon completion of the test, if a problem is detected by the luminaire, the panel will be notified, the
corresponding fault will appear in the fault list with detailed information.