optional equipment
Additional Units (sold separately)
table top lectern / #22
This versatile, portable table top lectern,
can be used on its own or as a floor
lectern with the optional base (sold sepa-
rately). 5/8" stain and scratch resistance
thermofused melamine laminate on MDF.
Paper/book stop included.
Dimensions: 233/4" W x 133/4" H x 197/8" D
available color options
Medium Oak • Light Oak • Mahogany • Walnut
brass reading lamp / #brl
Attach an elegant brushed brass reading lamp
to the reading table of your new Speaker Stand.
Not only will you shed light on the subject, but
you will add pizzaz to your new stand.
For these and other OSC accessories, please contact your dealer, or:
oklahoma sound corp.
149 Entin Road, Clifton, NJ 07014
Tel 973-594-9000 • Fax 973-594-9339
www.oklahomasound.com • email: [email protected]
Full Floor lectern / #222
Attractive and durable lectern made of 5/8"
stain and scratch resistant thermofused
melamine laminate on MDF. Full sized
reading surface, shelf and paper/book
stop built in. Floor glides provided.
Dimensions: 23" W x 461/2" H x 16"D
assembly manual
A/V Cart
[Combo Lectern Base]
model #112