SonarMite BTx/SPx v5.02 © 2016 Lymtech
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BTX/SPX single beam
Ohmex is a company formed to manufacture and distribute products designed by Lymtech Ltd. a company established in 1982 w
founded on technological innovation and design. The company prides itself on being the first to produce products in the field of
instrumentation and software used within the Earth Science sectors. Achievements to date include DGM ,the first digital ground
modelling software to run on a standard PC, SONARLITE, the first truly portable echo sounder, TIDALITE the first portable
Tide Gauge, EDAS, Integrated tide and weather networked software for use by ports and harbours. SONARMITE the first
portable Bluetooth echo sounder based on WinSTRUMENTATION - The integration of Instrumentation, Wireless networks and
modern portable computer equipment.