©2010 OCZ Technology Group, Inc. OCZ reserves the right
to change prices, products, or specifications without notice.
The innovative OCZ Enyo USB 3.0 Portable SSD offers an array for state-of-the-art features including,
5Gb/s transfer rate, ultra-portable design, superior power management, and lower CPU utilization. With the
unparalleled performance and durability of flash-based storage, the chic Enyo USB 3.0 drive far surpasses
enthusiast external HDDs and is ideal for consumers demanding leading-edge technology for a multitude of
digital files including HD video, graphics, and music. OCZ makes storage even faster with speeds ten times
faster than USB 2.0, while also being backwards-compatible with legacy ports.
D e s i g n & T e c h n o l o g y :
A p p l i c a t i o n s :
Desktop PCs
Portable OS drive
Part Numbers
Enyo 64GB
Enyo 128GB
Enyo 256GB
O C Z E n y o S e r i e s
U S B 3 . 0 P o r t a b l e S o l i d - S t a t e D r i v e
K e y F e a t u r e s :
Super Speed USB 3.0
MLC Flash
64MB onboard cache
Anodized Aluminum Housing
Slim & Sleek Design
260 MB/s Read
200 MB/s Write
Backwards compatible with
legacy USB ports (2.0)