9 Scan Menu
Instruction Manual Pentacam® / Pentacam HR® (G/70700/0109/en)
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Parameters applicable only to the Pentacam HR
The parameters described below apply only to the Pentacam HR.
The Pentacam HR has additional options for selecting image types. You can find these
exclusive parameters in the "Image Options" box (3).
"Cornea Fine" group box
Select this option for a more detailed image of the cornea.
The camera does not capture the deeper-lying layers of the front part. You can select
50 Scheimpflug images for a recording time of one second, or 100 Scheimpflug im-
ages for a recording time of two seconds.
"Multi Rotation" group box
If you select this option, the camera will record Scheimpflug images from
50 different positions while performing a full rotation twice around the eye.
"Accommodation" group box
If you select this option, the camera will take a total of 50 Scheimpflug images.
While the camera is recording the images, the "Fixation Target" shifts constantly
from -5 dpt to +2 dpt. The camera records the Scheimpflug images from a
pre-selected camera position.
[Enh. Dyn.] checkbox in the "3D Scan" group box
Activating the "Enh. Dyn." function prolongs the exposure time per Scheimpflug im-
age. The advantage is an accurate representation of phakic IOLs. If you select this
recording mode, colours and evaluations are neither calculated nor displayed.
"Fixation Target" slider
Use of the "Fixation Target" enables a better fixation of the patient. For this, the
active "Fixation Target" (8), i.e. the LED blinking red in the middle of the blue slit, can
be shifted in steps of 0.5 dpt. The object is to offset defects in the patient’s vision
and ensure a simpler method of fixation.