Extended BIOS switch
The extended BIOS switch is position 2. The extended BIOS memory region
(D8000h to DFFFFh) contains the Octagon INT17 functions. When this switch is
Off, this memory region is freed up for other uses. Note that if you want to use the
INT17 functions, you must either leave the switch On or copy those functions
You can also modify the extended BIOS using the MAKEBIOS.BAT file, located in
the XE–700 SBC subdirectory of the Octagon CD. Type MAKEBIOS ? for a list of
available options.
If you are using an operating system other than DOS the X switch should be Off.
The X switch maps the INT17 extended BIOS into the 0xD8000-0xDFFFF memory.
This can cause problems with applications or hardware running on other operating
systems if they attempt to use this memory range. Setting the X switch Off frees
this memory for use by other operating systems.
Video switch
The video switch is position 3. When this switch is On the on-card video is enabled.
To use a serial console, or an extension-card video only without using the onboard
video controller (such as a PC/104), set this switch Off.
User switch
The user switch is position 4 and is associated with GPIO23 on the Atlas processor
IC. The INT17 functions provide an easy method to implement software routines
according to whether or not a switch is On. Refer to the INT17 calls to read user
switch on page 90.
BIOS recovery switch
The BIOS recovery switch on the XE–700 SBC is position 5. This switch allows you
to reinstall the BIOS from a floppy disk. When the BIOS recovery switch is Off, the
system will use the boot block recovery process to program a new BIOS.
The BIOS recovery process uses the embflash.exe utility. This utility can be
obtained from Octagon Technical Support. To use the BIOS recovery switch follow
the instructions in CRISIS.HTM on the Octagon Product CD in the \700\EXT
BIOS\CRISIS directory.
BIOS programming using PHLASH.EXE
The BIOS on the XE–700 SBC can be reprogrammed using the PHLASH.EXE
utility. This utility can be found on the Octagon Product CD-ROM in the \XE–
700\EXTBIOS subdirectory. To program the new BIOS the following steps must be
\XE700\EXTBIOS subdirectory to the root of a bootable CompactFlash disk.
2. Boot the XE–700 SBC from the CompactFlash disk with a CRT monitor or flat
panel connected to the system. Note that HIMEM.SYS or other memory