operating manual
Page 1: ...operating manual...
Page 2: ...e been issued or applied for to protect the following design features Dive Time Remaining U S Patent no 4 586 136 Data Sensing and Processing Device U S Patent no 4 882 678 and Variable Ascent Rate In...
Page 3: ...ONALDISPLAYS 8 DepthDisplays 8 TimeDisplays 8 POWER SUPPLY 9 LowBatteryCondition 9 LCD DISPLAY 10 ACTIVATION AND SETUP 11 ACTIVATION 12 BackupActivation 12 SURFACE SEQUENCE 13 Time of Day and Surface...
Page 4: ...ittoyourAuthorizedOceanicDealerforinspection POST DIVE MODES 29 POST DIVE SURFACE MODE 30 TRANSITION PERIOD 30 AFTER THE TRANSITION PERIOD THE FIRST 2 HOURS 31 TimetoFly 31 PreDivePlanningSequence 32...
Page 5: ...S and DISPLAYS WARNING PriortodivingwiththeVersa you mustalsoreadandunderstandtheOceanicDive ComputerSafetyandReferenceManualwhichpro videsImportantWarningsandSafetyRecommen dationsaswellasgeneralprod...
Page 6: ...that the rules you learned in your basic scuba certification course s still apply to the diving you will do while using a dive computer some will become even more im portant Technology is no substitu...
Page 7: ...ATOR VARI The VARI Fig 2b provides a visual representation of ascent speed i e an ascent speedometer Green is a normal rate yellow a caution rate and red is Too Fast The segments of the VARI represent...
Page 8: ...in 1 foot 1 meter increments By pressing the Button the Maximum Depth reached during that dive will also be displayed Fig 3b During a Decompression Dive the required Ceiling Stop Depth is displayed in...
Page 9: ...0 dives LowBatteryCondition Voltage level is checked upon activation and every 10 minutes during operation If a Low Battery Condition exists when the unit is activated it will perform a diagnos tic ch...
Page 10: ...BarGraph b VariableAscentRateIndicator c Icon LowBatteryCondition d Icon MaximumDepth e Icon DecompressionCeiling f Icon LogMode g Icon DiveNumber h Icon Depth i Icon Time j Icon OperatingMode k Opera...
Page 11: ...TION and SETUP WARNING PriortodivingwiththeVersa you mustalsoreadandunderstandtheOceanicDive ComputerSafetyandReferenceManualwhichpro videsImportantWarningsandSafetyRecommen dationsaswellasgeneralprod...
Page 12: ...c Mode checks the display functions and battery voltage to ensure that everything is within tolerance and functioning properly After manual activation it will also check the ambient barometric pressur...
Page 13: ...quence repeats for 2 hours or until a dive is made Log and Set Modes can be accessed during the Surface Sequence with the Control Button This is described later Time of Day and Surface Mode Fig 7 Disp...
Page 14: ...ive times that are available for the next dive based on re sidual nitrogen following the last dive and surface interval WARNING Theavailabledivetimesprovidedbythe PDPSareonlypredictions Dependingoncyl...
Page 15: ...the Button for 2 seconds release when SET FEET or M appears with FEET or M flashing HINT To bypass a parameter that you do not want to set keep the Button depressed until the item you do want to set a...
Page 16: ...n momentarily and release it until the correct value for Hour appears 1 to 12 or 0 to 23 Do Not Hold the Button depressed Press and Hold the Button for 2 seconds to save the set ting release when the...
Page 17: ...utton for 4 seconds to save the set ting release when Am or Pm and the Time of Day ap pear with the colon flashing During the 4 seconds EA will appear Fig 14 and be bypassed NOTE EAsignifiesExternalAc...
Page 18: ...oggle between ON OFF To save the setting press the button for 2 seconds To set Hour press and release the button until the correct value appears To save the setting press the button for 2 seconds To s...
Page 19: ...IVE MODES WARNING PriortodivingwiththeVersa you mustalsoreadandunderstandtheOceanicDive ComputerSafetyandReferenceManualwhichpro videsImportantWarningsandSafetyRecommen dationsaswellasgeneralproductin...
Page 20: ...ed an as cent rate of 60 fpm 18 mpm if deeper than 60 feet 18m or 30 fpm 9 mpm if shallower than 60 feet 18m it will en ter the red Too Fast zone and all segments plus the graphic TOO FAST will flash...
Page 21: ...nter the No Decompression Dive Mode when you descend deeper than 5 feet 1 5 meters NoDecompressionDiveMode Display 1 Fig 17 Information includes Current Depth Dive Time Remaining and Mode icon and the...
Page 22: ...s when theoretical No De compression time depth limits are exceeded Upon entering Decompression Mode you should begin a safe controlled ascent to a depth slightly deeper than or equal to the Required...
Page 23: ...tal Ascent Time Fig 21a which includes Stop Times required at all ceilings and vertical Ascent Time calcu lated at 60 feet 18 meters per minute at depths greater than 60 feet 18 meters and 30 feet 9 m...
Page 24: ...theButtonispressedtoviewan otherdisplayofinformation VIOLATIONMODES Violation Modes that the Versa can enter are termed Condi tional Delayed and Immediate Permanent Violation Mode and Gauge Mode are c...
Page 25: ...ssion ceiling be fore 5 minutes have elapsed the Versa will continue to func tion in Decompression Dive Mode In this case no off gas sing credit will be given and for each minute above the ceil ing 11...
Page 26: ...s for Stop Depths much greater than 60FT 18M and offers no indica tion of how much time spent underwater would result in the need for a greater Stop Depth If your Decompression obligation requires a C...
Page 27: ...Depth achieved ImmediateViolationModeandGaugeMode During a Dive if a ceiling much greater than 60FT 18M is required an Immediate Violation Mode will be entered This situation would be preceded by ente...
Page 28: ...flash ing Fig 29 It does not provide the Pre Dive Planning Se quence or the Time to Fly feature The countdown timer that appears with a single dash dur ing the Surface Sequence is only provided to in...
Page 29: ...T DIVE MODES WARNING PriortodivingwiththeVersa you mustalsoreadandunderstandtheOceanicDive ComputerSafetyandReferenceManualwhichpro videsImportantWarningsandSafetyRecommen dationsaswellasgeneralproduc...
Page 30: ...on flashing and icon flashing Tissue Loading Bar Graph indicating current nitrogen loading During the Transition Period Log Mode can be accessed No other modes e g Fly Plan Set are accessible To view...
Page 31: ...tion of that dive The time at the surface if less than 10 minutes will not be added as Dive Time AFTER THE TRANSITION PERIOD THE FIRST 2 HOURS For the remainder of the first 2 hours after surfacing in...
Page 32: ...nded that you wait a full 24 hours af ter your last dive to add a greater degree of protection PreDivePlanningSequence PDPS After a dive the PDPS provides adjusted No Decompres sion Limits Fig 34 base...
Page 33: ...ss Log Mode Fig 35 Press the Button momentarily while the unit is scrolling through the Surface Sequence The first screen of the most recent dive conducted will ap pear displaying Log Mode icon Dive N...
Page 34: ...that reflects the maximum loading during the dive will appear flashing To access the first screen of the previous dive s Log Press the Button momentarily AFTER THE FIRST 2 HOURS Two hours after the l...
Page 35: ...terSafetyandReferenceManualwhichpro videsImportantWarningsandSafetyRecommen dationsaswellasgeneralproductinformation ____________________________________________ DONOTattempttochangetheBatteryduringth...
Page 36: ...utomatically reactivate The graphic H2O would then appear in place of Dive Number when Surface Mode is displayed during the scrolling Surface Sequence If no dive is made the unit would shut off af ter...
Page 37: ...sa should be inspected annually by an Autho rized Oceanic Dealer who will perform a factory prescribed function check and inspection for damage or wear To keep the 2 year limited warranty in effect th...
Page 38: ...a copy of your original sales receipt and War ranty Registration Card Send freight prepaid and insured using a traceable method to the nearest Oceanic Regional Service Facility or to Oceanic Prior to...
Page 39: ...it outside during a hot sunny day ModuleRemovalfromBoot DO NOT use tools or lubricants Doing so could dam age the module or boot Use care not to drop the module when it dislodges from the boot Turn t...
Page 40: ...er or the Oceanic factory Locate the Battery Compartment on the back of the Hous ing While applying steady inward pressure on the Battery Hatch rotate the Hatch Ring clockwise 10 degrees by pressing o...
Page 41: ...Buttons Lens and Housing to ensure they are not cracked or damaged If it is necessary to clean the Battery Compartment flush the it and all components with a solution of 50 white vinegar and 50 fresh...
Page 42: ...uthorized Oceanic Dealer Use of any other O ring will void the warranty Lightly lubricate the new Hatch O ring with silicone grease and place it on the inner rim of the Battery Hatch Ensure that it is...
Page 43: ...ol or pairofpointedplierscanbeusedbyplacingthe tipsinthesmallholesoftheRing Fig 50 Inspection Activate the Versa and watch carefully as it performs a full diagnostic and battery check and enters Surfa...
Page 44: ...Place the fingers of your left hand inside the upper back portion of the Boot Carefully stretch and pull the top upper front portion of the Boot upward and toward you while simultaneously pressing th...
Page 45: ...12 15 18m AltitudeAlgorithm BasedonNOAAtables OPERATIONALMODES Activation Diagnostic SurfaceSequence TimeofDay SurfaceMode TimetoFlyCountdown PreDivePlanningSequence DiveLog StartTime DiveData OPERAT...
Page 46: ...in 1minute SurfaceTime 0 00 23 59hr min 1minute DiveLogSurfaceInterval 0 00 23 59hr min 1minute NumericDisplays Range Resolution TimetoFly 23 50 0 00hr min 1minute starting10minafterthedive SpecialDis...
Page 47: ...ANCE Function Accuracy Depth 1 offullscale Timers 1secondperday DiveCounter DisplaysDives 1to9 0ifnodivemadeyet ResetstoDive 1 upondiving after24hours DiveLogMode Stores9mostrecentdivesinmemoryforview...
Page 48: ...edOceanicDealer LensProtector computermodule adherestolensface prevents scratches BatteryKit includes1battery 1batteryhatcho ring silicone grease OceanicGermany Nurnberg Germany Tel 49 911 324 6630 Fa...
Page 49: ...SerialNumber ________________________ Dateofpurchase _____________________ Purchasedfrom ______________________ BelowtobefilledinbyanAuthorizedOceanicDealer R E S P O NSIBLE D I V E R Date ServicePerf...
Page 50: ...Doc no 12 2281 r03 7 10 01 2002 Davis Street San Leandro CA 94577 USA Phone 510 562 0500 Fax 510 569 5404 Web http www OceanicWorldWide com...