MNL-1009 REV A
LED Position
Monitors Spectrometer status:
spectrometer does not have power
Flashing orange
spectrometer is booting
Steady green
spectrometer is ready
Bottom LED
Monitors Thermoelectric Cooling (TEC) status:
Off: The TEC system is off.
Orange: The TEC has not yet stabilized at its given setpoint.
Green: The TEC is stable (has been within 1 °C of the setpoint for at least 15 seconds).
Configuring the QE
QE Pro
can be used with OceanView software when connected to the USB port. If you have followed the previous steps and
started your spectroscopy application, the spectrometer is already acquiring data. Even with no light in the spectrometer, there
should be a dynamic trace displayed in the bottom of the graph. If you allow light into the spectrometer, the graph trace should rise
with increasing light intensity. This means the software and hardware are correctly installed.