MKW01 SMAC Introduction
MKW01 Simple Media Access Controller (SMAC) Reference Manual, Rev. 0.0
Freescale Semiconductor
two or more (one to many) MKW01 platforms. It can be configured to use the previously
mentioned mechanisms, but the configuration must be done at compile time.
PC-based Low Power Demo Application which requires a TERM. This application aids the user in
enabling low power modes on the MKW01 platforms.
Platform Requirements
The SMAC can be used with any customer target application or board, however, Freescale provides several
development platform (modular reference board, freedom board and usb dongle) designs with leds,
pushbuttons and other modules included.
MCU Resources Used by SMAC
As stated, the MKW01 contains an MCU and a transceiver in a single package. The SMAC does not use
MCU resources directly. All accesses to the MCU resources are performed using the framework, drivers
and PHY.
SMAC Basic Initialization
Before transmitting, receiving, or performing any other SMAC operation described in this manual, the
system protocol must be initialized to configure the transceiver with correct functional settings and to set
SMAC's state machine to known states. To initialize the SMAC, perform the following tasks in order:
1. Initialize MCU interrupts and peripherals. This initialization is included in every demo in the
hardware_init(void) function, available as source code.
— Initialize LED, Keyboard, Serial Manager, Timers Manager, Memory Manager, drivers
depending on application needs.
— Initalize PHY layer.
2. Initialize SMAC, to set the SMAC state machine to default, configure addressing with default
values, initialize the RNG used for the first sequence number value and the random backoff.
3. Set the SAP handlers so that SMAC can notify the application on asynchronous events on both data
and management layers.
void Smac_RegisterSapHandlers(
SMAC_APP_MCPS_SapHandler_t pSMAC_APP_MCPS_SapHandler,
SMAC_APP_MLME_SapHandler_t pSMAC_APP_MLME_SapHandler,