I2C software drivers are provided as part of the MCUXpresso SDK, and example code is provided to illustrate how to read values
from the accelerometer.
8.7 User LEDs
The board provides an RGB LED. The LEDs in this device are controlled by MIMXRT595 ports P3_17 (Blue), P0_14 (Red), P1_0
(Green) with the LEDs being illuminated when the respective LED is pulled low.
8.8 User buttons
The board provides two user push buttons SW1 and SW2 for general input purposes and for wake-up.
8.9 Reset button
A reset button SW3 for the RT595 is provided and resets all devices on the boards except the debug probe.
NXP Semiconductors
On-board peripherals
MIMXRT595 EVK Board Hardware User's Guide, Rev. 0, 02/2021
User's Guide
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