Chapter 4
Project file and IDE workspace structure
All the necessary files are included in one package, which simplifies the distribution and decreases the size of the final package.
The directory structure of this package is simple, easy to use, and organized in a logical manner. The folder structure used in the
IDE is different from the structure of the PMSM package installation, but it uses the same files. The different organization is chosen
due to a better manipulation with folders and files in workplaces and due to the possibility to add or remove files and directories.
The “
“ project includes all the available functions and routines, MID functions, scalar and vector control of the
motor, FOC control, and FreeMASTER MCAT project. This project serves for development and testing purposes.
4.1 PMSM project structure
The directory tree of the PMSM project is shown in below.
Figure 10. Directory tree
The main project folder
contains these folders
and files:
—for the IAR Embedded Workbench IDE.
—for the GNU Arm IDE.
NXP Semiconductors
MCUXpresso SDK Field-Oriented Control (FOC) of 3-Phase PMSM and BLDC motors, Rev. 0, 01/2022
User Guide
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