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User manual
Rev. 1.2 — 5 October 2016
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26.1 How to read this chapter
The power profiles are available for all LPC82x parts.
26.2 Features
Includes ROM-based application services
Power Management services
Clocking services
26.3 Basic configuration
Specific power profile settings are required in the following situations:
Disable all interrupts before making calls to the power profile API. You can re-enable
the interrupts after the power profile API calls have completed.
When using IAP commands, configure the power profiles in Default mode.
26.4 General description
The power consumption in Active and Sleep modes can be optimized for the application
through simple calls to the power profile. The power configuration routine configures the
LPC82x for one of the following power modes:
Default mode corresponding to power configuration after reset.
CPU performance mode corresponding to optimized processing capability.
Efficiency mode corresponding to optimized balance of current consumption and CPU
Low-current mode corresponding to lowest power consumption.
In addition, the power profile includes routines to select the optimal PLL settings for a
given system clock and PLL input clock.
Disable all interrupts before making calls to the power profile API. You can
re-enable the interrupts after the power profile API calls have completed.
The API calls to the ROM are performed by executing functions which are pointed by a
pointer within the ROM Driver Table.
shows the pointer structure used to call
the Power Profiles API.
Chapter 26: LPC82x ROM API Power profiles
Rev. 1.2 — 5 October 2016
User manual