NXP Semiconductors
EdgeLock A5000 Secure Authenticator for electronic anti-counterfeit protection using device-to-device
Figure 19. Device public keys in PEM format
OpenSSL command also supports to display the public keys contents:
openssl ec -pubin -in machine_pub_key.pem -text
openssl ec -pubin -in control_unit_pub_key.pem -text
Figure 20. Content of the device public keys
4.5.3 Create the reference key files for the OpenSSL engine
As already described above, the ECC private keys are securely stored inside the A5000
and cannot be read out like the public certificate or public key. To be able to delegate
a private crypto operation like an ECC signature generation to the A5000 we need to
generate a reference key. Later we use the reference key instead of the private key for
OpenSSL operations.
The following two commands are generating a "machine" and "control unit" reference
ssscli refpem ecc pair 0xF0000000 machine_ref_key.pem
ssscli refpem ecc pair 0xF0000002 control_unit_ref_key.pem
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Application note
Rev. 1.0 — 28 March 2022
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